Signs from the DOMA/Prop 8 protest.

Currently, the US Supreme Court is hearing a case that could reshape marriage laws across the entire US. The case began in California, where changes to the state constitution made gay marriage legal. These changes were repealed due to majority support for ballot proposition 8 (Prop 8). Prop 8 was challenged in California court, and the case then made its way to the US Supreme Court. Federally, the Defence of Marriage Act (DOMA) restricts marriage to men with women. The Supreme court has the option of overturning DOMA, although they'll likely wimp out and only address the case in California. There have been protests outside the Supreme Court all week by both sides in the battle for marriage equality. Taryn passed along a link from Buzzfeed featuring the 60 best signs from supporters of gay marriage (thanks!). Here are a selection:

See the rest here.