1970s lederhosen porn.

From Speigel Online:

Lowbrow in High Places: When Lederhosen Porn Was King

Four decades ago, the southern German state of Bavaria became the birthplace of a film genre like no other. The alpine meadows were rugged, the men wore lederhosen, the porn was soft -- and Germany was hooked.

"Close your eyes and ears," warns an off-screen voice, "because here comes a sex comedy that's all about bonking and banging." Then Bavarian character Sepp appears on screen. As he assumes a wide-legged stance in an Alpine pasture, a cow gazes awe-struck at the fly of his lederhosen. Thunderbolts shoot out of his tight leather shorts, bulging with excessive man-power.

A woman begins to sing a letter to her husband: "Dear Oscar, I'm doing well and am completely delighted because the mountains here are magnificent and there's a whole lot of f…ilming!" Another woman joins in: "One could really paint it, this Bavarian sky -- no, what I'm holding here in my hand is Sepp's p…aintbrush." Then the Bavarian's fly opens spontaneously and out comes a huge, red … heart bearing the movie's title: "Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhos'n," or "From Lederhosen with Love."

This smutty trailer, which advertised the upcoming premiere of the lederhosen film in German cinemas in March 1973, already made it unmistakably clear what theatergoers could expect: lusty peeping Bavarians tipping back from windows on ladders, jealous wives chasing their husbands with wooden spoons and, of course, hordes of pretty young women streaming into Bavaria from all over the world to be delighted by the region's potent men, wearing their traditional leather get-ups, of course.

Granted, critics panned the film. But Austrian film director Franz Marischka had still created a work of art that most filmmakers can only dream of. In addition to making what was an unbelievable hit in German cinemas, Marischka also founded an entire genre: the lederhosen film. For years to come, soft porn films shot in Alpine settings would be the thing in German theaters. It made Marischka a wealthy man but, in the end, his creation would become his curse.

Read the rest, and see the NSFW photo gallery, here.