
Female pubic hair trimming, shaping, removing, sculpting, etc., is a relatively new phenomenon. While female body hair removal has been around for centuries, pubic hair removal has only become really popular among the Western female population in the last century (especially the last few decades). Not to be left out, men have very recently been jumping on the pubic hair removal bandwagon and many men of the younger generations are now dedicated manscapers. The execs at Gillette saw this shift as an opportunity to sell their products in a new market. Gillette is clearly trying to get ahead of the curve (i.e., get a jump on their competitors).

This is a recent ad from Gillete, which is part educational, part marketing:

Have you ever thought about manscaping or shaving down there? You might say when there's no underbrush, the tree looks taller. Follow these simple tips from Gillette and get the best shave of your life, down there. Go further with body shaving tips from Gillette.

I'm in no way promoting Gilette products - this is simply an interesting study in cultural shifts in preferences. To make the idea of manscaping more palatable to men who might be hesitant, Gillette has cleverly played the it looks bigger card.